Friday, December 27, 2019

See If Vitamin C Is an Organic Compound

Yes, vitamin C is an organic compound. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, has the chemical formula C6H8O6. Because it is comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, vitamin C is classified as organic, whether or not it comes from a fruit, is made within an organism, or is synthesized in a laboratory. What Makes Vitamin C Organic In chemistry, the term organic refers to carbon chemistry. Basically, when you see carbon in a compounds molecular structure, this is a hint youre dealing with an organic molecule. However, simply containing carbon isnt sufficient, as some compounds (e.g., carbon dioxide) are inorganic. Basic organic compounds also contain hydrogen, in addition to carbon. Many also contain oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements, although these arent essential in order for a compound to be classed as organic. You may be surprised to learn vitamin C isnt just one specific compound, but rather, a group of related molecules called vitamers. The vitamers include ascorbic acid, the ascorbate salts, and oxidized forms of ascorbic acid, such as dehydroascorbic acid. In the human body, when one of these compounds is introduced, metabolism results in the presence of several forms of the molecule. The vitamers act primarily as cofactors in enzymatic reactions, including collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, and wound-healing. The molecule is a stereoisomer, where the L-form is the one with biological activity. The D-enantiomer is not found in nature but can be synthesized in a lab. When given to animals that lack the ability to make their own vitamin C (such as humans), D-ascorbate has less cofactor activity, even though it is an equally potent antioxidant. Vitamin C From Pills Man-made or synthetic vitamin C is a crystalline white solid derived from the sugar dextrose (glucose). One method, the Reichstein process, is a combined microbial and chemical multi-step method of producing ascorbic acid from D-glucose. The other common method is a two-step fermentation process. Industrially synthesized ascorbic acid is chemically identical to vitamin C from a plant source, such as an orange. Plants typically synthesize vitamin C by enzymatic conversion of the sugars mannose or galactose into ascorbic acid. Although primates and a few other kinds of animals dont produce their own vitamin C, most animals do synthesize the compound and can be used as a source of the vitamin. So, organic in chemistry has nothing to do with whether a compound was derived from a plant or an industrial process. If the source material was a plant or animal, it doesnt matter whether the organism was grown using organic processes, such as free-range grazing, natural fertilizers, or no pesticides. If the compound contains carbon bonded to hydrogen, its organic. Is Vitamin C an antioxidant? A related question concerns whether or not vitamin C is an antioxidant. Regardless of whether its natural or synthetic and whether its the D-enantiomer or the L-enantiomer, vitamin C is an antioxidant. What this means is that ascorbic acid and the related vitamers are capable of inhibiting oxidation of other molecules. Vitamin C, like other antioxidants, acts by being oxidized itself. This means vitamin C is an example of a reducing agent.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Industrial Revolution in Victorian England - 3817 Words

The Industrial Revolution in Victorian England was a period of time in history when new inventions and technology changed the way people lived and worked. It impacted how they communicated, the way products were manufactured, and created new forms of cheaper and faster transportation. Innovations resulted in changes that were previously unheard of. The invention of the steam engine revolutionized the way people and things were transported. Manufacturers were able to ship their goods more quickly by rail and reduce their expenses. Railroads allowed people to travel faster and farther than in the past. The Industrial Revolution created new sources of employment, with mills and factories attracting labor from farms to cities (Victorian†¦show more content†¦Another type of housing built near factories were tenement homes, which consisted of multiple row houses stacked on top of each other (Wroble 6). People lived in row houses and tenements because they were cheap and cl ose to work. When the next day at the mill came, a whistle woke the workers at five AM for a 12 hour work day (Wroble 21). â€Å"Inventions just made up one thread of life in Victorian times, but they were a distinctly colorful one† (Van Dulken 2). With the growth of factories and population, new inventions started to spring up all over England and the United States. Regardless of their country of origin, inventions had an impact on the whole world. People were looking for ways to improve the quality of their lives, and for tools to make work more efficient and productive. When the number of new inventions started to skyrocket, the patent system was created to protect people’s ideas from being copied or stolen. A patent was a document that could be acquired, which would grant protection from other people trying to steal the preserved ideas and intellectual property and claim them as ones own. When a patent was acquired it gave the person to whom it was granted the rights to manufacture products that used the invention. No other people could make a similar product and try to call it their own. If a person was found toShow MoreRelatedSimilarities and Differences Between the Romantic Age and the Victorian Period.1210 Words   |  5 PagesAge and the Victorian Period. Similarities and Differences between the Romantic Age and the Victorian Period What were the similarities and differences between the Romantic Age and the Victorian Period? The Romantic Age and Victorian Period had many similarities, but they had far more differences. They first differed in rule: the Romantic Age didn’t have a king or queen, but the Victorian Period did. They were similar and different in writing styles, and beliefs. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Hazing Essay Example For Students

Hazing Essay Hazing: Is it really necessary?: Having never been or wanting to be ina fraternity. I havent figured out why they choose such ridiculous hazingrituals who would want to be ridiculed, humiliated, and/or physically abused bysomeone who will later be your brother. Lives have been taken many timesby these hazing rituals and fraternities still continue to hurt people. If thesepeople are supposed to be your friends, who needs enemies?-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Category:Social IssuesPaper Title:Hazing: Is it really necessary?Text:Hazing: Is it really necessary?Having never been or wanting to be in a fraternity. I havent figured outwhy they choose such ridiculous hazing rituals who would want to be ridiculed,humiliated, and/or physically abused by someone who will later be your brother. Lives have been taken many times by these hazing rituals and fraternities stillcontinue to hurt people. If these people are supposed to be your friends, whoneeds enemies?Hazing has been around for many years and without knowing it, a lot morepeople than one would think have died from hazing and initiations. The firstreported was in 1905 in Lima, Ohio school It was found that WilliamTaylor a 13 year old boy died of pneumonia caused by when classmates put snowdown his back. (Watts/Grolier) As the years have gone by the hazing stillcontinue and were on a rise but slowly becoming useless because so many areputting it down. Hazing is one of the main issues that surround fraternities. Hazing is theinitiating of pledges to drink excessive quantities of alcohol, consume largequantities of food, or submit to beatings with a paddle. Since deaths andserious injuries have come about from hazing most states enact laws prohibitingit. The acts of hazing in all its manifestations are unnecessary and haveproved to cause harm to individuals, families and the careers of promising menand women (Butler, 88)Hazing is not just known in fraternities and sororities. Hazing has beenfound in the military, sports, gangs and now in high schools. Almost half thehigh school students who answered a nationwide survey said they were made to eatdisgusting things, abuse alcohol or drugs or perform humiliating or illegal actsto join athletic teams, the band, even church groups. (Hazings not A3)Younger people have always been taught to look up to their peers. What collegestudents do high school and even middle school students are going to want toimitate what the older students do. They feel that some young teens participatein these hazing rituals to have a since of belonging, it is to bad that youngchildren need to participate in these types of activities just to make them feellike they fit in. The military has the most unheard of hazing rituals. The Marines are givenbasic training week and if you complete the paratroopers training they are giventheir golden wings. The wings are a pin with two half-inch protruding pointson the back. Sometimes, with that military love of macho ritual, the pin is evenproudly thumped into a marines chest to draw a little celebratory blood. (Gleick30) Some marines feel that since pinning has a long history in the corps, and afew young jarheads jokingly call is a Marine sewing circle, insisting thatthe ritual is an integral part of Marine bonding. Someone with something wrongwith them would do such a thing to themselves. Military authorities insist thatthey will do all they can to prevent such hazing in the future. If they thinkthat the leadership of the Marine Corps believes that bating on their fellowMarine makes for a better warrior, theyd better find themselves a newoccupation. Stated an angry general. .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .postImageUrl , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:visited , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:active { border:0!important; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:active , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Harry Potter Essay ThesisAnother group that has hard to believe hazing are gangs, for girl gangs Theyhave to subject themselves to being `jumped in or beaten up by all the girlsin the gang (Vida 80) After the girls are jumped in they are not donewith what they have to do to stay in the gang. Gang girls may be asked to doan armed robbery or kill enemy gang members. (80)Fraternities feel that there is nothing wrong with the hazings or should Isay, initiation traditions are fund and bring a team together. (Shouldsports, 26) The bonding of the brothers is not something that should hurtanyone, and should in the end bring them closer tighter so that they will have afriend for li fe. Not knowing that your friend is actually you enemy and that so many have

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Nature Of Truth Part 1 Essays - Philosophy, Epistemology

The Nature Of Truth Part 1 The Nature of truth part 1 Rene Descartes, once said, I am, [therefore] I exist. This statement contains the only truth found for certain in our natural experience that, as conscious beings, we exist. Whether we are our own creators, a creation, or the object of evolution, as long as we know that we think, we prove to exist. Descartes claims, But certainly I should exist, if I were to persuade my self of something. Our existence is a truth, and may be the only truth, that we know is certain. Simplicity and Complexity Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4). This seems to be a very simple scripture talking about simple ideas. Children understand the little things that adults have a tendency to exasperate inherent truths. The Bible shows us that children understand right from wrong without trying to convince everyone that there might be a loop hole. Why is it that adults complicate matters so much? In order for us to understand how the ancient philosophers have gone astray from simple concepts we must take a look at truth and their views on the complex idea. Do we ever come to an understanding of what truth is or is it still out there for people to wonder about? Truth exists and is an absolute. Contrary to the mush-minded meanderings of modern educators, truth is not relative. If my truth differs from your truth that can only be because either one or both of us is unaware of the truth and has call ed something true which is not. Truth must not have the slightest touch of maybe to it. Maybe is dishonesty to truth and if it touches truth, then truth becomes maybe. Truth is more and beyond that which is true. Truth is a concept in philosophy that treats the meaning of true and the criteria by which we judge the truth or falsity in written and spoken statements. For thousands of years, Philosophers have attempted to answer the question What is Truth? Truth is the quality of being true, and anything that is true is a truth, the concept of truth is uncommonly complex and variable. Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and opinions are said to be true or false. An idea makes a truth claim and is true when the character of what is thought about upholds its claim. Forms of words or statements are also said to be true or false. This can be explained by saying a set of words is true when it expresses a true thought. Truth should be replaced by the facts, reality or the way things are. Truth is ofte n imagined as consisting in a speaker's honesty with respect to what he believes. Mohandas Gandhi spoke of The Absolute Truth, the Eternal Principle, that is God and said, I worship God as Truth only. Jesus said, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. God is truth and the essence of it. All of his ways are truth and all truth stands or falls as it is measured against Him. If we love truth and seek after it, we cannot help but run into the outstretched arms of God. He wants us to know the truth, which is to know him. God places the truth before us and gives us complete freedom to choose how to respond to the truth. If we turn to God and ask him to instruct us in the truth and to lead us to salvation, we will surely receive that which we ask because our prayer will be in line with God's desire for us. Apart from the confirmed truth that we exist, no other truths are definite, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily contradicted. Everybody has his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another person's. What one person may assume, a dog is a man's best friend, another may think that a dogs is a man's worse enemy. Our judgment of what is true depends on our own experiences, and how things becomes true for us. Every thought, besides the idea that we think,