Friday, June 14, 2019

Visual Effects Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Visual Effects - Assignment ExampleThe principles of the opticalization illustrate content focus. The visual compass concentrates on illustrating how HAI is contracted.Data visualization 02 is studied done the common dash board mistakes of Stephen Few. The data arrangement is poor (Edward 93). This is because four bar graphs and one pie chart are squeezed in one slide page. This minimizes visual clarity. There is also poorly highlighting of the most important information. This is because a lot of information is illustrated in a single page, leading to confusion.Data visualization 03 is analyzed through the excel dashboards. Excel enables effective illustrating of statistical data through graphs, tables and charts (Edward 36). The top hashtags and top mentions are summarized accordingly through the bar graphs. However, illustrating a lot of visual information in one page is not desirable, as it may confuse the audience.The dog images are illustrated through the analytical designs p rinciples. The devil dog images illustrate a dog in a jumping motion. The first image illustrates the dog jumping into a water body. The second image shows the impact that the do has on the water surface due to the jumping

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