Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Another way in the novel that Gatsby is represente Essays

Another way in the novel that Gatsby is represented is a gangster that does organised crime. This aspect of Gatsby identity is undermined as the novel has more emphasis on Gatsby's romantic life, however, it is apparent that in the novel, there are many cases that Fitzgerald gives hints of Gatsby's occupation and this opens the question of how he accumulated his large amount of wealth. Although Gatsby's is a main character in the novel, Fitzgerald builds mystery towards his profession as seen in early chapters such Ch. III, Just after Gatsby introduces himself to Nick, he excuses himself to take a call from Chicago. The mention of Chicago foreshadows a connection between Gatsby and organized crime. He then, later on, attempts to recruit nick to sell bonds for him as he states, Well, this would interest you. It wouldn't take up much of your time. It happens to be a confidential sort of thing. "Oh, I've been in several things," "I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil busi ness. But I'm not in either one now." He looked at me with more attention. "Do you mean you've been thinking over what I proposed the other night?" Both of these attempts fail and raise the question that Gatsby knows that nick already sells bonds so why would he offer Nick to sell bonds for him. This gives a small insight that the bonds he attains could be stolen or counterfeit. These incidents are both significant events that represent Gatsby in the novel as a gangster.

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